Wednesday, April 1, 2015

16 Weeks Day 5 Baby Update

NAME: Nabila


AGE: 25
HOW FAR ALONG: 16 Weeks Day 5
SIZE OF BABY: The size of an avocado
WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO: Lately Iv'e been under the weather, I read in one of my mummy groups that it's normal getting a cold and cough during 2nd trimester. I haven't gone to work this week, every morning I wake up feeling dizzy or I get the worst back pains. 

EXERCISE: Iv'e been walking a lot chasing after Tyson or trying to separate him from bothering our poor kitty Nahla. 
MATERNITY CLOTHES: I Finally purchased a few bras, there not maternity bras but they are very comfortable. They are Fruit of the Loom a Walmart brand, I bought one black and one white. They have been very supportive and absolutely love them. 
STRETCH MARKS: Yes, around my hip they are very noticeable. Ive been lathering lotion all over my body but nothing seems to work. 
BELLY BUTTON: Has not fully popped out, but a noticeable change from before. 
SLEEP: I can't seem to fall asleep if Jessye isn't in bed with me, I like having him cuddled right behind me so I can lean on him. I'm not going to bed at 8:30 p.m like I use to, Im able to stay up till 10:00 p.m. some nights. 

BEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK:  Having my mum make me her homemade chicken soup, my daddy came to deliver it and i had two delicious bowls of it. 
WORST MOMENT OF THE WEEK: I have no patients with anything anymore, so when Jessye and I talk about something it seems to always turn into an argument. 
FOOD CRAVINGS: Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, 

FOOD AVERSIONS: Nothing, I'm finally capable of eating anything without wanting to vomit. 
SYMPTOMS: Body aches especially my lower back. Shorter fuse, cramping muscles, and occasional dizzy spells.

Same usual flutters here and there. 
GENDER: Unknown. Will hopefully find out at my Anatomy scan on April 23rd. 
WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO: Finding out the sex of our baby. 
WHAT I'M NERVOUS ABOUT: I just want a healthy baby.
WHAT I MISS: My body that didn't have such noticeable stretch marks.

NEXT APPOINTMENT: April 15, 2015 to finally meet my OBGYN Dr. Daly, April 23rd, 2015 

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