Friday, February 5, 2016

5 Month Update

5 Months

Arya is 5 months in this photo, she is 15 pounds and is 25 inches long. She is starting to turn on her back when she is doing tummy time, she has not mastered sitting up yet i believe its because of her huge head her father passed down to her that she cant seem to keep her balance. She is a big drooly baby no teeth just lots of saliva drooling down her mouth, we go through 3 to 5 bibs a day just to keep her cloths from getting soaked. She has had he first Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas, New Years. She has been quite busy celebrating these festivities with her family. 

We had a doctors appointment and her doctor has mentioned that she is a bit over weight for her age and height, she is a bit short. Mommy and Daddy love how chunky she is and is still feeding her on demand. 

She loves to giggle especially with her daddy who loves to change his voices and sound completely crazy, she enjoys her fur siblings and is eager to rip their ears or tail. 

Naughty girl flipping the bird, cant believe how big she has gotten. 

First visit with Father Christmas

We took Arya to take her first photo with Father Christmas, he is absolutely the best santa clause with a perfect real beard and jolly personality. He is located at Dufferin Mall in Toronto and most of our family members took their kids there. 

She looks absolutely unimpressed with Santa, she did not shed a tear which  was glad and i hope she stays that way. 

First Father Christmas Photo 
First Family Christmas Photo 

Nabila xo 

First Christmas

Arya's 1st Christmas

On christmas eve we spend the evening at her great aunts house, which we have been doing for the past 3 years I have been with Jessye.  We had some delicious food that consisted of turkey mash potatoes, a few Portuguese dishes that my talented father in law made and my favourite spinach dip dish. Jessye's cousin Monika came home for the holiday, as she is a teacher living in Ottawa on a reserve. We were quite happy to see her and share the holiday with her as she will be leaving in a few weeks back to teaching. 

Although Arya is still little and doesn't understand what the holidays are about and being around family, I am glad we have photos and tons of memories to share with her when she gets to the age that she can understand and see how amazing her family is. 

Arya with her Vavo (grandfather) 

Arya being fed by her great aunt Lucy 

Here she is being held by her cousin Hazel 

Arya with her Tio (Uncle) Jordan and his girlfriend Emily 
Nabila xo 

4 Month Update

 4 Months 

Arya is 4 months in this photo, Its the month of December so it's only fair to have a little santa clause hat that she borrowed from her brother  tyson and a red onesie that was purchased from a local shop close to home.  She is 13 pounds and 24 inches long. She enjoys her tummy time and is very eager to crawl and maneuver around. Still loves her bath time. Arya has found her thumb and tries to suck on it,  mommy doesn't allow such behaviors and quickly puts the pacifier in her mouth. I know many mommy who are allowing their children to suck their thumb which makes them put themselves to sleep and sooth themselves, I personally thing its a horrible behavior and much harder to wean off. Also not the greatest for their little growing teeth as they will grew in crockett which is most of the case. 

3 Month Update

3 Months 

Arya is 3 months in this photo, which she was placed inside of a basket filled with a few blankets. The yellow blanket was given by her grandmother (bebejan) as we say in dari. She is 11 pounds and 8 ounces and 23 inches long. Arya has found her voice and loves to scream and is smiling away. She is quite fascinated by a red balloon that our dear friends son was playing with. Her eyesight is improving so everything around her is a joy to her. 

I am still breastfeeding her but I am also giving her some formula. She has been around her family quite a bit and has no problem with the noise that they make, especially her Portuguese side of the family that are very loud, she can sleep through the noise which is great. 

Her eyes are still grey and she is started to loose a bit of hair on the back of her head from moving her head side to side. I hope this grows back by the summer. 

First Halloween

Arya spend her first halloween with a few of her cousins living in Oakville, we dressed her up as a little puppy and walked around the safe neighborhood and collected chocolate/candy for mommy and daddy. 

It was a great night perfect weather but it did rain a bit, but thankfully we were already indoors. Arya was asleep for most of the walking and collecting of treats. we did take a video of the first house mommy and arya walked too which was her great aunts and it was perfect. 

Photo with mommy and daddy with our carved pumpkin done by mommy, inspired by Games of Throne wolf. Aryas pet. 

In front of her great aunts home, perfectly decorated with spooky halloween decoration. 

2 Month Update

2 Months

Arya is 2 months old in this photo, she weighed 10 pounds and was 23 1/2 inches long. She has the most beautiful grey eyes a new momma has ever lead eyes on. She has started babbling and making noise. Her favourite time in the day is her bath time where momma sometimes joins in and plays with her. She finally outgrew the NB (newborn) nappies and now is wearing the size 1 nappies.

In this photo she is wearing her leg warmers that her great aunt Suzanne knit for her among other things that will not fit her until she gets a bit bigger and plumper. 

Her family absolutely adores her and excited to watch her grew into the beautiful little girl she will be. 

Nabila xo 

1 Month Update

1 Month Update 

Arya is 1 month old in this photo, she weighted 7 pounds and 1 ounce,  21 inches long. She has started smiling a lot especially in her sleep, she loves to cuddle with both her mommy and daddy. Every time we put her to bed which is usually on mommy chest right after breastfeeding her, we listen to either white noise or mommy's favourite music on her laptop.  

She wakes up eery 3 hours for a feeding but sleeps for a good 4 hour straight during he day than wake up for some nummies and play time. 

Her father and I are having such a joy with raising her she is just amazing.  

Nabila xo