Tuesday, February 24, 2015

10 Weeks 6 Baby Update

NAME: Nabila


AGE: 24

HOW FAR ALONG: 10 Weeks 6 Days
SIZE OF BABY: The size of a prune
WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO: Jessye and I recently had our "Nikkah" which is an Islamic marriage ceremony. We had it at our party room in our condo with 40 of our closest family and friends witnessing our beautiful commitment ceremony. 

EXERCISE: Barely, unless you count me walking to the bus station to go to work. 
STRETCH MARKS: A few around my hips.
BELLY BUTTON: It hasn't popped out yet. 
SLEEP: I have no problem falling asleep, I actually go to bed around 7:30 by 8:30 i'm fast asleep.
BEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK:  Marrying the love of my life Jessye. Sharing a beautiful day with my family and friends. 
WORST MOMENT OF THE WEEK: Sharing my news of being pregnant to my parents. Saying our farewells to a close friend going back to England. 
FOOD CRAVINGS: Nothing I would consider a "strange" craving. I love my fruits especially strawberries. I wasn't much of a fruit eater before being pregnant.
FOOD AVERSIONS: Chicken, especially if iv'e seen it raw while prepping the food. 
SYMPTOMS: Congestion in every part of the body that can be congested. Shorter fuse, cramping muscles, and occasional dizzy spells.

I felt a flutter the other morning waking up, some mommies in my mommy group say it could be a possible case of gas and others say that's the baby. I'm going with the baby only cause it makes me feel connected to my sweet bean. 
GENDER: Unknown.
WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO: Warm weather, absolutely tired of the frigid Canadian winter. 
WHAT I'M NERVOUS ABOUT: I just want a healthy baby.
WHAT I MISS: Not feeling ill every day and all through the day, being able to be more active and not worry about the sharp pain in my back. 

NEXT APPOINTMENT: March 3, 2015 for my Nuchal Screening. 


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