3 Months
Arya is 3 months in this photo, which she was placed inside of a basket filled with a few blankets. The yellow blanket was given by her grandmother (bebejan) as we say in dari. She is 11 pounds and 8 ounces and 23 inches long. Arya has found her voice and loves to scream and is smiling away. She is quite fascinated by a red balloon that our dear friends son was playing with. Her eyesight is improving so everything around her is a joy to her.
I am still breastfeeding her but I am also giving her some formula. She has been around her family quite a bit and has no problem with the noise that they make, especially her Portuguese side of the family that are very loud, she can sleep through the noise which is great.
Her eyes are still grey and she is started to loose a bit of hair on the back of her head from moving her head side to side. I hope this grows back by the summer.
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