Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Arya Is Here!

Arya Rose Anwari Raposo 

On August 12, 2015 at approximately 3:25 a.m our sweet little Arya arrived into this world.  She was born at St. Josephs Hospital at a weigh of 5 pounds and 8 ounces. She was a month early and due to this she was placed in the NICU for five days.

August 11th at 10:00 a.m is usually when I would wake up from bed, I fed Tyson and took him for a walk, i wasn't feeling all great i was very tired. When i got back home from our walk i went straight to my bed to nap some more.  I suddenly started feeling some pressure and cramp like pain in my stomach. I didn't think anything by it since i was only 25 weeks, but when the pain got more serious and i ended up timing how often i would feel it. i knew something was up. My first extinct was to phone Jessye's cousin and explain to her what my pain was and hopefully she would have some sort of answer for me or to just keep me calm. I figured they were Braxton hicks and they were just preparing me for the real deal, until the pain were 5 mins apart and i felt some fluids trickle down i knew my baby was coming!

I was very scared and had no idea what to do, since Jessye doesn't carry his phone around with him during work i had no way of getting in touch with him, thankfully for Kelly who not only kept me calm and sane she was able to phone her husband and reach Jessye to tell him to come home and had me phone his aunt that works down the street to come get me and drive me to the hospital. My initial plan was to have my parents who live a few blocks, to be my driver for when the day comes but they had left the country the day before for their Euro trip. (How Convenient) .

When we reached the hospital his aunt waited with me until Jessye arrived, the pain was absolutely unbearable. I was hoping to have  a natural delivery but after actually having to deal with the pain i knew i had to take the epidural.

My labour was long but when the time came for pushing it only took 25 mins to get her out. I am absolutely in awe with my little girl and so happy to finally be able to hold her and give her tons of kisses. Jessye and I are so blessed and enjoying parenthood every moment of it.

Happy Baba

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