We finally went to our Anatomy screening yesterday afternoon. During this screening our little bean will be measured from the crown to the rump, around her middle, around her head. The four chambers of her tiny beating heart as well as the kidneys bladders, stomach, brain, spine and sex organ. This screening ensures that they are developing normally or identifies any potential problems. Our sonographer looks at the amniotic fluid levels, the location of the placenta and fetal heart beat. Unfortunately the technician was not able to get a clear photo of little beans heart so we must go back the following Thursday.
Our technician mentioned a few times how active our sweet baby was during the procedure, I take the blame for that because I did snack on a delicious milk chocolate bar before the ultrasound. Over all she was able to take the required photos besides the little heart. The ultrasound takes up to an hour, at the half way mark she did tell me to go use the washroom and walk around a bit because baby wouldn't position properly she was constantly showing us her back (sassy girl). When our time was up she went out to get Jessye so we both can see our sweet baby on the screen. The technician showed us all the little body parts we even saw our sweet baby yawn, this is when mommy started to tear up. In the end she showed us the genital area and the second I saw it I knew we were having a baby girl. The female genitals were very clear to both technician and I.
Jessye was very clear that he wanted his baby girl were as I was more towards having a baby boy, only because there aren't many males on my side of the family nor his. But I cant be more happier to know that my sweet baby girl, my sweet Arya Rose Anwari-Raposo is growing healthy and I absolutely can not wait to have her in my arms. Our technician left the room to gather some Ultrasound photos and allow the newly parents to embrace the great news. Jessye gave me the biggest hugs while tears were rolling down his cheeks, it was such a pleasure seeing the new daddy so happy that he will be a father to a baby girl. I cant wait to raise our daughter together my sweet Jessye.
Love you both forever and ever. xox
Our beautiful Arya. |
Showing off her little toes. |
Nabila xox
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